How Our CSA Works

2024 Sunset Park CSA Season : June 5 - November 13

  • We partner with trusted local family farmers and community food makers for Vegetable, Fruit, Egg, Coffee and Bread Shares.

  • Sunset Park community members then pay all of our farmers & food makers at the beginning of the growing season.  A revolutionary payment model that supports financial security for the farmers & makers throughout the season.

  • All farmers & makers begin delivering food to Sunset Park in June and continue to deliver every Wednesday from June until November (24 weeks total).

  • Sunset Park CSA members pick up our CSA Shares every Wednesday between 5:30pm-7:30pm at St. Michael’s Church Chapel on 42nd Street between 3rd and 4th Avenue.

  • Sunset Park CSA members also work at least 3 volunteer shifts during the season to build community, keep costs down, and give our energy to the food production process.

Sunset Park CSA Membership Commitment

I commit to membership in the Sunset Park CSA with MimoMex Farm for the 2024 growing season. As a member, I commit myself to supporting the farm with timely payments. In addition, I commit to pick up my weekly delivery on Wednesdays at the St. Michael’s R.C. Church chapel just before the rectory at 352 42nd Street, between 3rd Ave and 4th Ave, between 5:30 and 7:30 pm. I may arrange for a friend or family member to pick up my share if I’m unable to. I understand that if I do not pick up my share by 7:30pm, it will not be saved for me.

The CSA Share-Product Variety

As a member of the CSA, I will receive a share consisting of 7-10 different vegetables for either 24 weeks (Weekly share) or 12 weeks (Every Other Week) starting in June. The shares will vary in size and weight depending on the time of the season and the bounty of the harvest. I understand that although the farmers will aim to supply me with an ample quantity of many different vegetables, there is no guarantee that any specific vegetable, or any specific quantity, will be distributed in the Farm Share.

Shared Risk

I agree to support MimoMex Farm, Tello Farms, and Breezy Hill Orchards, Farm & Bakery, LLC, by sharing in the inherent risks of agriculture (poor weather, drought, disease, early frost, crop failure and so on) and rewards (the bounty from a good season) involved in farming. This means that if farmers are unable to bring the produce on any given week, I will not receive a refund for any money paid to the farmers. I understand that CSA farmers carefully plan for such contingencies, and use growing techniques that protect the harvest, minimize risk to members, and optimize the rewards, and I commit to partnering with MimoMex Farm, Tello Farms, and Breezy Hill Orchards in the shared risk model.  

Volunteer Commitment

The Sunset Park CSA is a volunteer-run community organization and participation of all its members is necessary in order to ensure the smooth operations of the weekly CSA distribution, and the CSA’s continued success.  I therefore commit to schedule and complete three, 90-minute volunteer shifts during the growing season (June-November 2024).  If this is not possible, I will make alternate arrangements in advance with the Sunset Park CSA.  If I miss or if I am late to my scheduled work shift, I understand that I may not remain a member in good standing